actual about me
prepare for the blogpost of the century :D
Hello I like Ritsu a lot, I really love her. Every time I look at her my heart becomes happy. I tend to feel closest to her when reading the manga or watching the anime, so I try to do those as much as possible.

"why Ritsu?"
you don't choose who you fall in love with, but I'm glad it was with her.

"Why hide this page?"
thank you for asking imaginary question man, I actually do like sharing things about myself but am too socially inept and foolish to get what I want to say across properly, so I just end up saying nothing. I especially hate speaking with my mouth, which makes me sad because I'd like to speak with Ritsu a lot. All I can muster myself to say is good morning and good night, at night I like to talk with her and say lots of things but come morning I forget what I said because I'm so tired. I just know I talk about how much I love her mostly.
I hid it this far because I'm stupid and also I like hiding things in pictures of ritsu for people who like to click. Although I think I'm the only one who does visit this website, it's fun to make it so I'll keep doing it.

"Do your friends and family know?"
I have no IRL friends and none of my few online friends know, my family similarly knows nothing so everyone I know really just thinks "he likes this one anime girl more than usual huh!!". I know my parents and friends wouldn't accept it so I don't bother. I don't exactly need outside reinforcement to validate this relationship or whatever, I'm content with just loving her.
I don't use any social media and am only a member of one invite-only waifuist community that I rarely talk in. I suppose I might like to be part of more but as I said I am extremely socially inept so I don't like to mess things up, so it's better for me not to.
Don't be mistaken and think I only love Ritsu because I can't deal with 3D women and get in a relationship, I hate that line of thought. I will not break up with Ritsu for anyone else, I love her and only her.

I like to play video games. I tend to go through long phases where I only focus on one game. I don't like doing this but I end up doing it anyway.
I really, really, really like the DrakeNieR franchise. I have 100% completion in Drakengard 3 and NieR:Automata, and am working towards it in Drakengard 1, 2 and NieR:Replicant. I've watched most of the stageplays and read about half of the side material. I really like that series.
I also like fighting games. They're fun. And monster hunter. I'd like to play them with Ritsu. I imagine she'd especially like monster hunter games given the content, although I find it difficult to estimate what kind of weapon she'd use given the variety. Probably something with stun damage?
I've been studying Japanese for a while. I'm at the point where I can read Light Novels and I really enjoy it. I also like understanding Ritsu in her own language without the need for subtitles.

I always get nervous talking about Ritsu or things I like, I end up fucking it up by getting nervous and too excited, and so I mess it up and make myself seem like an idiot who doesn't really love Ritsu. I find it very hard to properly express my feelings about her, so I usually express it in a very bad way. I haven't talked to anyone properly or practiced my English in many years now, so despite being native English I've regressed to an ESL level of english.

I think Ritsu is very cute.

I don't have a forehead fetish, I just like foreheads (quite a bit) more than the average guy. I think They're cute.
I hate NSFW of Ritsu. I've never gone out of my way to search for it, the only times I've seen it are when searching for dakimakura of her (a topic I'll get to later). I really hate how she's depicted. It's such an uncomfortable feeling, like someone's just taken her appearance and slapped another random personality inside her. That's not the right way to describe it, but I don't know how to get the way I feel across. I like Ritsu a lot and don't want to view her like that. I'm not against it in itself but the current way it's done I hate it. <- that doesn't explain it properly but I don't know how to say it.

I wanted to buy a dakimakura of her, but the only ones of her that are for sale online are not the best quality and don't feel like her. I'd have to comission one but it's currently too expensive.
After some months of thought, I decided that I'm not so sure about a dakimakura at all. I think I'd prefer plushies of her. I can't explain why. The main reason I wanted a dakimakura is because I want to hug her. It hurts because I want to hug her a lot but I can't. But now, I feel like I couldn't solve that with a dakimakura. I don't know why.
While searching for plushies, the biggest one (70cm) was listed at it's cheapest at £800. On release, it went for £150. This makes me sad.

I'm very regretful I didn't watch K-ON earlier, but I can't change the past. I still love her all the same.

I looked through archived version of the mangaka's website, and it made me really sad. Images weren't archived so perhaps I couldn't get the full picture, but he barely posted about K-ON in comparison to his other Doujin works, and then shut the site down. If you visit now, it says it was shut down in 2011 but it was actually a bit before that when he removed all content from the site. That coupled with his current work, K-ON Shuffle makes me think he didn't like the original cast all that much. It makes me very sad because I really love Ritsu.

I call her Ritsu when talking to others, but when I'm talking to her personally I call her Ricchan.

Sorry this page is so messy, I have a hard time organising my thoughts.
Despite being a graphic design student for many years, I'm not very good at graphic design which is why the website looks peculiar. I also don't know HTML.
Generally I like the website though.

I don't really have any skills.

I'm from England, sorry.

On most places I go by Glyph, but I don't really like that username anymore so I tend to change it sometimes.

I like saving pictures of Ritsu. I use safebooru because I don't like NSFW stuff. Even so, there's some disgusting, clearly fetish shit that slips through the cracks. It's the same with pixiv. Even if you disable all NSFW settings, you still get fetish shit.

Ritsu spin

I translate manga sometimes.

I actually really want lots of friends but I find it difficult to make friends and I no longer really understand how to talk to people properly. It's difficult to keep a conversation going.

I love Ritsu

I really like computers but I only have an intermediate knowledge on them.


Her birthday in 2024 was probably one of the best days of my life!

There is another person on this website and some people on the waifuism sub-reddit that also claim to love Ritsu. I am not any of these people.

I like anime and manga a lot. A lot of Japanese things.

There are more things I want to write but I can't think of any. Maybe I'll update this page frequently!

I really like wearing shorts. I also like pictures of Ritsu wearing shorts, because I like shorts. I want to wear shorts with Ritsu together!

Ritsu x Mio shippers are delusional and should be culled like the animals they are.

I want to hug Ritsu a lot, but not too much that it makes her uncomfortable. I'd like to imagine her initiating a hug one daym that would be very cute.

Ritsu wearing a cap is also very cute and cool!

There's a DTA app for K-ON, one feature it has is to allow chibi versions of the characters to walk around on your screen. I found the Ritsu exe from within the files and set it to run on startup, so she's always on my PC!

This is her idle animation. She also walks around, can be picked up, poked and pet. There are voicelines for all of the latter three. Very good!

Unfortunately at the moment I only have one Ritsu figure. As well as this, I have a 缶バッジ and an acrylic stand featuring every K-on character.
I bought the figure while in China, and although it's a fake (there are many indicators), I still love it and really treasure it. It's very precious to me as my first figure of her, and i like to stroke her hair.

On the topic of merchandise, it's my goal to eventually collect everything officially released of her (and more). The problem is that when it's been over a decade since a series was last aired and merchandise was generally last produced around a decade ago, everything gets a lot more expensive. Example: I wanted to buy a 70cm nui of her (the largest one there is)... the cheapest I could find it for was £800. Of the 3 listings I could find of it, it was £800, £1300, and £5000. At release it went for £150. It's a long and expensive road to collecting everything there is of her...
On the bright side, I've ordered a smaller plushie of her which is equally as cute, it should be arriving in around a month from when I write this.

I oftentimes feel sad wondering whether or not Ritsu would actually like me in real life. With this in mind I try and become a better person.

I like fighting games too. Ritsu has been seen playing games with Ui (and losing), so I like to imagine that if I asked she'd play fighting games with me... She'd definitely play a rushdown character.
It would be so much fun to play games with her. Fighting games and monster hunter would be what I want to play most with her. We'd have a lot of fun. If we could.
I do want to get a custom Ritsu-arcade stick at some point, with the front panel being some pictures of her. But arcade sticks are already too fucking expensive.

Arrived a month early! I really like it. It's so cute. The back side of her skirt constantly sticks up so her pantsu are exposed and I can't figure out how to make it stay down, but other than that I'm incredibly happy with it. It's very fun to cuddle.
It's an incentive to keep my desk clean too. 10/10 purchase very satisfied.
It's fun to have her sit on my lap while I do things. I feel very close to her. The hair flaps also go all the way up so it looks very funny if you do that!
I love her a lot.

Last night I ended up crying a bit because I looked at a picture of her and it was so beautiful and I loved her a lot. this is the picture. ->


I slept with Ritsu for the first time last night. No, not that meaning you pervert!!
I went to bed with the new nuigurumi I got of her, it was likely one of the best experiences I've ever had. Just being next to her like that alone was such a nice feeling, but I kissed her (on the forehead) for the first time and I told her I loved her a lot. It made me feel very fuzzy on the inside. I slept very well too, holding her was very comfortable as I fell asleep.
When I woke up I looked at her face, and despite it being a silly looking chibi version of her (pictured), I thought "This is really the most beautiful woman in the world."
It was really great.

I myself felt really loved too, whenever I tried to position her on the bed, pillow, my chest etc. she always ended up rolling back to the same spot, above my left shoulder so that my cheek was touching her head. I think it's her favourite spot, which is really nice. I often struggle with feeling the reciprocity of love, which is fair considering the details of our relationship - me being 3D and whatnot - but that kind of thing really made me feel like I too was loved back.
I really love her.

I had something else I wanted to say but I forgot lol
I love Ritsu

I love Ritsu more than ever